Oh jeez!

on Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Sorry I haven't written in a while. Been so busy with my working out and with Job Searching. After this blog i'll be heading off to do my Turbo Jam. The day before yesterday I went to the Middle School Track and did a mile around it! My first lap I ran, and the last three I ran the straight aways and jogged/walked the corners. Though I tried my hardest to run fast, though it was hard when I was trying to catch my breath. Wow I'm out of shape when it comes to running! Haha.

Though I FINALLY got a pictu
re of me and I'm putting it up here. My stomach is so weird and once I get all that fat off. I can tell that I'll have a long Abodmen when makes me happy. I've always wanted a long abdomen buutt I never thought I had one with how yucky my stomach was. But Now I'm seeing it. Here is my yucky picture I weigh 173 in ths picture. I think my stomach looks like that, kind of weird how it suddenly cuts off at the bottom. Becauase I wear my pants down there on my lower hips when I should wear them up a bit higher, which will be easier once with the weight lost.